Vesna Badurina Stipčević, PhD
Tenured research adviser
DEPARTMENT: Department for the Croatan Glagolitic Literature in the European Context
- 1999: PhD in the area of humanities, field: Philology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- 1991: MA in the area of humanities, field: Philology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- 1980-1985: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, BA in Classical Philology and Archaeology
- 1976-1980: Classical Gymnasium, Zagreb
- 2008: study research: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican
- 1996/1997: study research: Sterling Memorial Library, Library of Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, SAD
- 1987: study research: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican
- 1986-today: Old Church Slavonic Institute
- 2008-today: Postgraduate doctoral study programme in Croatology, University of Zagreb, Faculty Centre of Croatian Studies
- 2008-2010: Study programme in Croatian language and literature (2008 – 2010), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- 1985: Classical Gymnasium, Zagreb
- 2024-today: Hagiographic Themes of older Croatian Literature (Old Church Slavonic Institute)
- 2014-today: Scientific Centre of Excellence for Croatian Glagolitism (Ministry of Science and Education)
- 2020-2024: Research of the Old Croatian Glagolitic Miscellany Heritage: project leader (IP-5942, Croatian Science Foundation)
- 2019-2023: Croatian and European Medieval Literature: project leader (Old Chrurch Slavonic Institute)
- 2012-2015: Latin Edition of the Glagolitic New Testament (1562) (Adventist Theological College Maruševac)
- 2007-2013: Croatian and European Medieval Literature (Old Church Slavonic Institute and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports)
- 1991-2006: Research of Croatian Medieval Literature ( Old Church Slavonic Institute and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports)
- 1986-2006: Dictionary of the Croatian Redaction of Church Slavonic (Old Church Slavonic Institute and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports)
- Association of Friends of Glagolitic
- Biblical Commission of the International Committee of Slavists
- Croatian Philological Society
- European Association of Biblical Studies
- Matrix Croatica
- 2022: State Award for Science
- 2019: Letter of Appreciation from the National and University Library (Zagreb) for cooperation on the Croatian Glagoljica project
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna: Hrvatskoglagoljske Makabejske knjige. Filološka studija. Zagreb, 2020.
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna: Hrvatskoglagoljska Pasija svete Lucije. Ricerche slavistiche 14 (2016): 417-438.
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna: Croatian Glagolitic Bible. The State of the Research. Studi slavistici 13 (2016): 282-297.
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna (prir.): Hrvatska srednjovjekovna proza I. Legende i romani. Zagreb, 2013.
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna: Hrvatskoglagoljska Knjiga o Esteri. Zagreb, 2012.
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna; Vinko Grubišić: Jeronimove hagiografije. Zagreb, 2008.
- Badurina Stipčević, Vesna: Hrvatskoglagoljska legenda o svetom Pavlu Pustinjaku. Zagreb, 1992.