Epigraphic Monuments (Selection)

STONE INSCRIPTIONS: Plomin Inscription (10th/11th century), Valun Tablet (11th century), Krk Inscription (11th century), Baška Tablet (circa 1100), Jurandvor Fragments (11th/12th century), Knin Fragment (11th/12th century), Grdoselo Fragment (12th century), Supetar Fragment (12th century), Senj Tablet (12th century), Relief with the Image of St. Martin (1330)…

GRAFFITI (Wall Engravings): Hum Graffito (12th century), Roč Glagolitic Alphabet (around 1200)…

A comprehensive list and description of Glagolitic inscriptions and graffiti, from the earliest beginnings to the 18th century, can be found in Branko Fučić’s book Glagoljski natpisi (Glagolitic Inscriptions, Zagreb, 1982).

Manuscripts (Selection)

Vjekoslav Štefanić cataloged and described Glagolitic manuscripts in two of their largest repositories and places of preservation, the island of Krk and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: Glagolitic Manuscripts of the Island of Krk (Zagreb, 1960) and Glagolitic Manuscripts of the Yugoslav Academy (Zagreb, 1969–1970).

Ivan Kosić wrote about the Glagolitic manuscripts deposited in the National and University Library in Zagreb in the collection Glagolitic Script and Croatian Glagolitism (Zagreb – Krk, 2004).

The largest known collection of fragments stored outside Croatia is that of Ivan Berčić. Its catalog and description were published in collaboration with the Old Church Slavonic Institute (Glagolitic Fragments of Ivan Berčić in the Russian National Library, Zagreb – Petrograd, 2000).

There is still no comprehensive catalog or description that contains all known complete and partial Croatian Glagolitic manuscripts in one place.

Printed Books

Glagolitic Incunabula (books printed within the period of the first fifty years after the invention of the printing press)

  • Missale Romanum Glagolitice (?, 1483)
  • Brevijar po zakonu rimskoga dvora (?, 1491)
  • Baromić breviary (Venice, 1493)
  • Senj Missal (Senj, 1494)
  • Spovid općena (Senj, 1496)

Editions of the SENJ Glagolitic printing press (15th–16th centuries)

  • Senj missal (1494)
  • Spovid općena (1496)
  • Meštrija dobra umrtija(?)
  • Naručnik plebanušev (1507)
  • Transit svetoga Jerolima (1508)
  • Korizmenjak (1508)
  • Mirakuli blažene Deve Marije (1508)

Editions of the Glagolitic Printing Press in RIJEKA (16th century)

  • Oficij rimski / Oficij blaženije Devi Marije (1530)
  • Psaltir (1530?)
  • Misal hruacki (1531)
  • Knjižice krsta (1531)
  • Knjižice od žitija rimskih arhijereov i cesarov (1531)
  • Od bitija redovničkoga knjižice (1531)

Editions printed in VENICE (16th century)

  • Prva hrvatskoglagoljska početnica (1527)
  • Misal Pavla Modrušanina (1528)
  • Brozićev brevijar (1561)

Editions of Croatian Protestants Printed in URACH (Germany, 16th century)
(selection of Glagolitic and Cyrillic Editions)

  • Tabla za dicu (1561, Glagolitic and Cyrillic)
  • Katehismus (1561, Glagolitic and Cyrillic)
  • Postila (1562 Glagolitic, 1563 Cyrillic)
  • Artikuli ili Deli stare krstjanske vere (1562, Glagolitic and Cyrillic)
  • Edni kratki razumni nauci (1562 Glagolitic, 1563 Cyrillic)
  • Prvi del Novoga testamenta (1562 Glagolitic, 1563 Cyrillic)
  • Drugi del Novoga testamenta (1563 Glagolitic and Cyrillic)

Eastern Slavic-influenced Editions Printed in ROME (17th–18th centuries)

  • Nauk karstjanski kratak (1628)
  • Azbukividnjak slovinskij (1629)
  • Missal rimskiĵ (Levaković, 1631., 1706)
  • Časoslov rimskii (Levaković, 1648., 1688)
  • Misse za umervšije (1707)
  • Missal rimskiĵ (Karaman, 1741)
  • Časoslov rimskiĵ (Karaman and Sović, 1791)

Parčić’s (Restored Croatian Church Slavonic) Editions Printed in ROME (19th–20th centuries)

  • Čin i pravilo misi (1881)
  • Rimski misal slavenskim jezikom (1893, 1896, 1905)

New Inscriptions and Editions (Selection)

Inscription from the Zagreb Cathedral (1941)

Tablet in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore (Rome, 2018)

Croatian Breviary (Zagreb, 2018)